// A Little about me

// A Little about me


3 min read

Hello, My Name is Brian B., and welcome to my blog! Okay, so a few things about me. Currently, 25 years old living in Los Angeles, California. I graduated from California State University Los Angeles with a bachelor’s in Business Marketing and learning how to code. I started to teach myself during the summer. I have always been fascinated by computers, wanting to figure out how they work. I tried to learn once before in 2016, but I gave up after a few lessons on FreeCodeCamp since I couldn't figure anything out.

I decided to give it a shot again after a friend of mine joined a coding Bootcamp. I started off with Codecademy and then FreecodeCamp and went to pick up Colts Steele Front End Bootcamp course on Udemy. I instantly fell in love with his style of teaching and explaining the concepts with ease. I figured that while marketing is great, it wouldn't be a bad idea to learn to code.

During this year, I was in the final year of my studies for University but made time to code. Towards the end (the Final push) of school, it was chaotic but luckily, I passed my courses and graduated with my degree in marketing. I decided to take this time to focus on some coding projects that I started last year to see if I can incorporate them into my portfolio. I want to apply to both Marketing and Front End jobs at the same time. I would be happy to get a job in either industry, but to be honest, I find coding to be more fun.

I wanted to start this blog to document my journey and try to help people on this journey!